Bloom Consulting Portugal City Brand Ranking© annually measures the brand performance of the 308 Portuguese municipalities, in the areas of Tourism (Visiting), Business (Investment and Exports) and Talent (Living) since 2014.

The methodology used evaluates the tourism and social economic variable, represented by statistical data, the digital demand variable through online searches captured by the Digital Demand – D2© tool and the online provision variable, through the analysis of the official websites and social media of each municipality.

The results and positions of municipalities in the Ranking measure not only the perceptions about a municipality, but also classify the performance of its brand in a tangible and realistic way.

See the Bloom Consulting Portugal City Brand Ranking© report!

Published on 15.05.2021.

Bloom Consulting
We are a firm that specializes in Nation Branding and City Branding with a range of innovative consulting services and proprietary technology to measure Place Brand strategy effectiveness and general reputation.