The Digital Country Index © is a study that result from the compilation and analysis of all online searches conducted by citizens around the world on the Country Brand included in the reports. The results are an indicator of the actual attractiveness of each Country Brand.

The searches represent the true level of interest in a Country and therefore demonstrate the genuine appeal of a Country Brand. By being measured, online searches can also highlight the interests that can be held in any particular Country.

Bloom Consulting uses the proprietary tool called Digital Demand – D2© that gathers and measures all possible combinations of keywords and searches performed in any Country in the world. This information is filtered according to the topics or keywords searched (brandtags), the nationality (country of origin) and the time of year (month).

See the Digital Country Index © ranking!

Published on 11.06.2019.

Bloom Consulting
We are a firm that specializes in Nation Branding and City Branding with a range of innovative consulting services and proprietary technology to measure Place Brand strategy effectiveness and general reputation.