Part 3: Pandemic & the next big thing
Meta Trend 7
The final meta trend influencing the world today begins with COVID-19. Different from the other meta trends determined, pandemic as a meta trend is predicted to continue to rise in terms of relevance but decline however in tangibility as the global community collectively learns to better prepare, manage, and recover from impending pandemics and health crises. As we have seen, health as a meta trend has only been accelerated by COVID-19 and will continue to be at the forefront of audiences’ minds. That said, hygiene, lifestyle, and accessibility to healthcare are going to be even more critical in terms of brand audience need state, as well as resounding fear to return to lockdown.
Beyond COVID-19, predictions of an “interconnected viral age” by the World Economic Forum are equally as pertinent, reminding countries, regions, and cities that COVID-19 was not an isolated situation, to learn from our mistakes, and look to those who have been winning this pandemic to prepare for whatever may come next. The psychological repercussions from COVID-19 and future health crises such as new variants, viruses, and diseases projected through the media will have lasting impacts on civilization’s mental and physical health. Weighed down by the fear of what is to come next, our mindset has adopted a defense mechanism to stay prepared, knowing full well what happens under the strike of a pandemic following COVID-19.
- COVID-19 was the platform for pandemic as a meta trend to take off, but it is only the start to a greater discussion on related subjects and impending health crises
- Having entered an “interconnected viral age”, COVID-19 was not an isolated incident and should not be taken as such
- Pandemic as a meta trend will have lasting impacts on civilization, affecting our mindsets to cope with the fear of what is to come next
Implication for Nation and Place Brands
Much of the damage incurred by Nation and Place Brands has already taken place with regards to COVID-19. The pandemic has left its mark by way of perceptions towards governance and overall crisis management associated with respective countries, regions, and cities. The way towards on-the-ground recovery and positive perception building will take the form of long-term solutions versus quick fixes for what we’ve determined to be a lasting impact. COVID-19 may have been the spark for increased hygiene at the city and even state level but as the pandemic comes to a “close” in certain regions, will cleanliness practices stay?
Pandemic as a meta trend calls for nations and places to ingrain society with a mind for cleanliness and a greater understanding of disease propagation. To mitigate further health crises, both the public and private sector are responsible for developing innovative solutions to plan and prevent rather than react as was the case across the world around COVID-19. With precautions now being taken because of the latest pandemic, we would be wise to adopt and implement policy for regimented and long-term systematic behavioral changes, being prepared by staying prepared to break the chain of infection. Nation and Place Brands are going to be judged on new criteria by global audiences. Health and hygiene are intertwined with sustainability and sustainable living, these demands are being made by civilization towards the countries, regions, and cities we choose to engage with.
- Learn from our mistakes in being unprepared for COVID-19 to plan for impending future pandemics and health crises
- Develop and implement lasting policies around systemic behavioral change towards health and hygiene
- Leverage sustainable, healthy living being offered by your country, region, or city as a solution to the need states of global audiences
The dimensions most affected by this meta trend are Nation and Place Brand appeal for:
- Investment
- Tourism
- Talent
- Prominence

Meta Trend …
The next big thing
What’s next? Well, no one can be sure. All that we can say for now is that to be prepared, countries, regions, and cities must get planning and stay humble while learning from civilization’s mistakes. From a Nation and Place Brand perspective, our recommendation is to act fast and be the first. Those who are first out the gate set the pace for the rest of our global community, establishing an international standard for the world’s wellbeing.
Predictions would suggest that the next big thing will be felt immediately and there will be little time to prepare. To get around this conundrum, we recommend predicting and furthermore simulating countless scenarios to calculate risk and prepare for the worst. By doing this, countries, regions, and cities will come prepared with some sort of action plan whether spot on or at least a guideline, it will reassure the local population as well as build trust in the eyes of the global community.
The dimensions most affected by this meta trend are Nation and Place Brand appeal for:
- Investment
- Tourism
- Talent
- Prominence
- Exports

The end of truth
Our note to summarize the above meta trends is a call for vigilance as we face the end of truth. This will be the trend to rule all trends as it is universal in affecting all global audiences, leaving us unsure of what to believe. The preceding meta trends will be in the media, discussed and debated for at least the next 15 years, the question will be how to decipher the truth from fiction. Nation and Place Brands must be proactive in looking out for what is being said about their land, people, and governance as it will impact identity and image.
From time immemorial, we have asked ourselves and others the most hard-hitting questions such as the origins of existence and who to support in leading society. Fake news, media management, and social media platforms have proven capable to erupt in social unrest, resulting in collective mistrust in one another and our leaders. Countries, regions, and cities must be quick to implement tools, regulation, and honest communication to mitigate the impacts of misinformation. Engaging with media outlets for example and enacting brand protection efforts will aid in defending a Nation and Place Brand against deceit. The end of truth will further divide groups and cause friction between friends. Now is the time for Nation and Place Brands to protect not only their reputation, but the local and international community from the end of truth as we know it.
This is the third and final edition of a three-part series. Please find the first two parts below:
Part 1: Health, Conflict & Climate Change
Part 2: Economy, Migration & Government
To view and download the final report, click here
Published on 21.05.2021.