Step 4. Create a shared vision

Step 4 Create a shared vision

Involve the community and stakeholders in creating the vision that will guide the actions of the place.

Community sharing their vision
Community engaging and sharing their vision

“A vision of the future helps to align expectations, establish strategies, objectives and, just as importantly, success metrics.” 1

A shared vision between the community and stakeholders is essential for combining efforts and heading in a single direction. So, we optimize the investment of resources and energy in an idea already agreed upon by the community and capable of guiding all its actions, from urban planning to economic development, marketing and even design.

We’re not talking about anything close to the vision and mission of marketing, which often only serves to decorate company reception areas, is composed of generic concepts, shaped by arrogance or, worse, makes it impossible for a person to fathom the basic idea and why they are there.

The vision in Placemaking.ID® is the manifestation of the Central Idea of the Place Brand. This is the concept that will materialize this Central Idea in the shared urban environment. It is from the Central Idea that we align the vision by which the place will be organized, and its promise, uniqueness, and differentiation established. Vision is what leads a place to fulfilling its purpose and promise.

Talking about vision is talking about identity and vocation. Not all dreams are possible everywhere. It takes detailed analysis, looking at feasibility and impact too.


  • If the vision is not shared, it is just an idea.
  • Escape the trap of fads! A market trend may not make any sense for your place, neither today nor in the future.

1 ESTEVES, Caio, Cidade Antifrágil, Realejo Livros, Santos, 2021

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